
Covid community fitness programs

Spartan Soccer Indoor program is now on hold until Alberta Health Services (AHS) recommends indoor programs or it is safe to proceed without precautions.

We believe during the winter months—especially now as things are not normal—we need to focus on community and team building activities. We need challenges and opportunities that break the norm, get us out, and let us be active, laugh and enjoy what we can while remaining safe. Outdoors is safer than indoors. The risk is less.

We’ve devised an outdoor program that is modified daily based upon the weather conditions to ensure your enjoyment, activity, and health is top of mind. Further, we have placed a cap of 20 members to a cohort group. The smallest cohort group should be 8 members. The cohorts groups will not interact with each other in any form of game. We are using the word cohorts as it is the popular word today. We actually want to call these small groups clans or tribes. The competition is based upon team performance relative to other groups.

Winter sports is easy

Two programs: Adult and Family

  • Seven days a week
  • Different activity each day
  • Play everyday or less
  • M-F: 6PM – 9PM
  • Sat-Sun: multi shifts starting at 11AM, 2PM, 6PM
  • Variety of modified sports
  • Selection of activities
  • Cohorts as small as 8-12 members
  • Private cohorts
  • Some personal equipment required
  • Children ages 5+


  • Local outdoor sports venues
  • Parks
  • Trails
  • Activity suitable locations

How to compete

  • Different activity each day based upon weather
  • Each activity has competition elements based upon performance:
  • Time to complete the activity
  • Goals/targets achieved
  • Cohort groups most active
  • Compiled in a ranking system against other cohort groups
  • A cup to win and the potential to win prizes throughout
Single Parent and Families only need to register each child by name. All children of a household (blended, combined, two houses) are included for $10/month and fees are built into the memberships. The parent will check them in for attendance via TeamSnap. Either or both parents can join another cohort when absent children.

Planned activities include:

  • soccer
  • volleyball
  • ultimate frisbee
  • beach ball
  • badminton
  • flag football
  • group golf
  • obstacle courses
  • trail hikes
  • scavenger hunts
  • sledding, tubing
  • snow fort/art construction
  • bridge building
  • and more added
All payments in full for 3 or 6 months memberships will earn a $10 or $30 credit to the registrant’s account after payment. The payment plan option does not trigger a credit.
If you are making a private cohort group, have your rep contact us by email.

Example of a weekly program

  • Monday: Soccer
  • Tuesday: Volleyball
  • Wednesday: Badminton
  • Thursday: Scavenger hunt and hike
  • Friday: Soccer
  • Saturday: Flag Football or team/family hike
  • Sunday: Obstacle course or team/family stations workout

*A cohort group can play everyday if they wish

Registration coming soon!


3 or 6 months

$30 registration fee

$45 per month

Single Parent

3 or 6 months

$30 registration fee

$55 per month


3 or 6 months

$30 registration fee per parent

$85 per month

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does our cohort group stay private?

Yes, they are all private groups ranging in size from 8 – 20 members forming your tribe.

  • If the group starts small can they add to get to 20?


  • What is the AHS max for outdoor cohorts groups who don’t share equipment?


  • Can I play everyday?


  • What if I catch a cold or virus being outside?

Umm, that’s not how it works. Please google that.

  • But its dark at night

We provide flood lights for the activities.

  • Why is 20 the max?

We decided to be more strict than AHS and feature private groups for added safety.

  • So we can replace people who quit the group?

Yes, up to the 20 person max.

  • What is the AHS max size for sharing equipment?


  • Can I try this as a drop in option to see if I like it?

We don’t have a drop in option.

  • Where are you doing this?

Outside at parks, fields, and trails depending upon the activity.

  • I don’t want to drive everywhere. Can you do this closer to my area?

Sure. Get 4 or more groups together in your area and we will anchor them to your neighbourhood for many of the activities.