
collage & testimonials

Here you will be able to see many of the captured memories of events and valued testimonials about Spartan over the years. If you have any pictures of Spartan games or events, send them to us so we can add them to the collage and get a reward!

The Fam!



**Coming Soon**



**Coming Soon**



**Coming Soon**


**Coming Soon**

Over the Years


Hey, was great meeting you as well. First impressions I thought it was great finally able to play some soccer and get back to good old habits. I would love to continue and possibly carry this into the winter with indoor soccer. Wouldn’t mind being apart of a competitive team if that comes up but so far playing casually like Saturday as a non competitive game was a lot of fun!
Thanks again for the last minute acceptance and happy to be part of this!


Great game today! Really enjoyed the atmosphere. As you can tell I’m pretty novice but I’m working towards bettering myself. Have never really taken the game seriously and have always just played casually, so this was actually my first real game.


The program is really fun! People are really great and fun to hang out with afterwards too! And it’s helping a lot with getting my overall confidence back, too. 🥳 Will definitely sign up for the indoor cohort program


It was fantastic, hope to see you soon guys.


I had a great time. It was a great introduction into the Spartan soccer organization and hopefully I can register my team into the Spartan soccer organization soon. In the meantime, I will definitely be returning to play some more football.


It was fun , I really appreciated the chance to get out and get some touches on the ball . It’s also very nice to get some cardio in . I was a little rusty from indoor season but hopefully I can join you guys more often


Hi Teo! It was fun last night. People respectful of others, limiting contacts. Good sportsmanship overall. Will join again !


It was a pleasure to meet you and the boys, I enjoyed playing with you guys and I’ll be playing in the south side games. 

The soccer program is a really good idea, I was thinking maybe at the end of the season before the cold sets in, we could do a South vs North game.


Thanks for having me on board. I had a lot of fun yesterday. I think the footies pretty good, lots of running around and seems like a good atmosphere. I plan on coming more for sure, given it’s a casual way to get back into the sport.  Thank you 


I tried to contain my yelling hahaha. It was great. I’ll be back.


I had a really good time! Everyone was really friendly and it was fun soccer. I’m definitely going to try to come out again.


I had a lot of fun and it was nice playing with a variety of skill levels. 


It was amazing. Felt so good to get back on the pitch again and feel good again after my injury. Just gotta get my cardio up


It was great! I had a lot of fun!!


It was good as always


I really like the environment of Spartan. I liked that it was pretty competitive but also good for newer people.


Upon playing a few games with Spartan I can tell Teo has a passion and a drive to help soccer grow in Edmonton. I’ve played with numerous different soccer leagues in Edmonton and I can confidently say that Spartan is on its way in becoming a dominant league in the Edmonton soccer community.


You guys are awesome. This is Sparta!!!!


I had a great time, everyone was friendly. Felt so nice to go for a run again.


I was quite nervous about joining as I haven’t played soccer since gym class, 15 years ago haha. He’s right. It’s great for beginners as most of the people are amazing, encouraging and give you a chance to practice and learn new skills. After game 1, I was hooked. I still do terrible some days but other days I feel pretty good about how I play. It’s fun, I get some cardio in and most days i feel a sense of accomplishment which always ends my day on a high note. Thanks again, Samantha for getting me into it. I’m looking forward to next year, once this season ends.